Trial #9: Filter Unique Elements in A Set
Using Powershell, find and count the unique entries in a set $set
containing unsorted, repeated characters.
A first scan of solutions online provided the following.
$set | sort -unique
This wasn’t very quick on large sets and I was interested in finding a .NET data type specialized for unique values.
I found this in the following type: HashSet(T)
Its easy to convert types in powershell. The syntax is so concise and the result way faster as the data remains unsorted. e.g.
[System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$unique = $inputA
Here is a little comparison on a relatively small, sorted set of 15512 items. 1/2 a second isn’t so bad but the alternative is 21x faster and that difference will grow with size of set.
$inputA = 1..9999 + 44..4444 + 7777..8888
Measure-Command { ($inputA | sort -Unique).Count}
TotalMilliseconds : 544.0192
Measure-Command { [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]$unique = $inputA ; $unique.count}
TotalMilliseconds : 25.9092
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