Trial #13: Why is Write-Verbose not Doing Anything?
I made a script with some functions in it and the built in PowerShell verbose switch is doing absolutely nothing.
Give PowerShell a chance - it’s made it pretty easy for you - just put cmdletbinding attribute above your parameters in any given script.
Powershell will then give you some free common parameters including -verbose.
- Debug (db)
- ErrorAction (ea)
- ErrorVariable (ev)
- InformationAction
- InformationVariable
- OutVariable (ov)
- OutBuffer (ob)
- PipelineVariable (pv)
- Verbose (vb)
- WarningAction (wa)
- WarningVariable (wv)
Thanks to Ed Wilson, Microsoft Scripting Guy, for providing a solution to my problem and leading me into this interesting topic in his post.
There is a lot more you can do with the Parameter Binding Attribute
- This is just a rare good thing
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